Low Rinse Aid Error
An Electrolux Dishwasher displays a LO error code when a Low Rinse Aid Error has been detected by the internal electronic diagnostics.

Electrolux Dishwasher LO Error Code (Frigidaire) Meaning
The rinse aid dispenser is empty.
Electrolux Dishwasher LO Error Code (Frigidaire) Possible Causes
- The rinse aid dispenser is empty.
- The rinse aid dispenser is defective.
- The main PCB is defective.
- Wiring issue between the rinse aid dispenser and the main PCB
The list of possible causes above may assist in determining the cause of the error code. Sometimes the error code cannot be resolved easily with the information on this page. For more information that may help diagnosis the error code visit the Appliance Repair Technical Support page of this website. Contacting a trained Appliance Repair Technician is another option if the if the issue is to difficult to resolve with the information provided.
An Electrolux Dishwasher displaying an error code can lock out the Dishwasher or disable it from functioning normally. In order to regain normal functionality of the Dishwasher the problem causing the error code will need to be resolved. Often the issue can be resolved with a simple repair or minor part replacement. This is much more cost effective and has a far less impact on the environment than a complete appliance replacement.
The information contained in this website is provided for informational purposes only. ApplianceServiceInfo.com does not guarantee the information to be correct or give a proper diagnosis of any appliance. Always take proper safety precautions when installing or repairing any major appliance.The information on this page may also apply to any of the following Dishwasher manufactures under the Electrolux brand.
- AEG Dishwasher LO error code.
- Anova Dishwasher LO error code.
- Frigidaire Dishwasher LO error code.
- Westinghouse Dishwasher LO error code.
- Zanussi Dishwasher LO error code.